City of Carrollton

Employee Resources & Information

Leave Request

Submit a leave request for vacation, sick, and other paid time off.

Submit Leave Request

Travel Training Form

Complete request for work or training related travel.

Submit Form

Expense Reconciliation Form

Complete the expense reconciliation form once you’ve returned from traveling.

Submit Form

Check Request Form

To request payment, complete this check request form.

Submit Form

Personnel or Payroll Change

Complete this form to hire a new position or make changes to a current employee’s status.

Submit Form

Request for Personnel

Complete this form to request a new position be posted for hire.

Submit Form

Employee Benefits

Access your benefit selections and find plan information.

Explore Benefits

457(b) Retirement Plan

Access your Empower retirement plan.

Empower Login

Employee Handbook

View the current employee handbook in a searchable PDF.

View Handbook

Technical Support

Having trouble with your computer, phone, printer, or email? Contact our I.T. department to get it fixed!

Contact I.T.